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Also if anyone is at Comic-Con look for Shauna she should be working through out the weekend. =)
Anyway, getting back on topic here; I will be getting to go to Comic-Con this year which is rather unexpected and last minute. Thankfully I have friends in San Diego, shout out to Brian and Aimee <3 that I can stay at since hotels have been booked well um... let's just say when tickets sold out about 8 months ago or so.
As most convention go-ers have 2-3 days ahead of me, I plan on storming this convention with little time I have.
I leave work today around 4pm, then I have to head home and pack it all up, dinner with some friends, then I'll enter San Diego tonight, and then it's go time. SDCC 2010.
With all the limited edition merchandise that will be in present and by present I mean limited amounts and highly fought for like Batman fighting Joker for sanctity of Gotham, I, Dustin Ma will be hunting these items: The tron lightcycle action figure priced at $5 will not be easily obtained but I am hoping for the best on this one. (not likely to get) Tokidoki marvel shirt, I love the mash ups Tokidoki has done in the past year and while the Tokidoki booth is not listed on the official Comic-Con website it is there... and so will be swarms of nerds, geeks, and the likes will be battling me for Tokidoki shirt supremacy. The Boom booth has toy story 3 custom sketches for characters for the Comic-Con event and as a huge Disney fan I'd love to get a hold of one. They also have Duck Tales and Darkwing Duck comics I'd really like to grab. Maybe i'll get to see the terror that flaps at the Comic-Con! Iron Man 2 cells I'd imagine will be a battle for, as well anything that deals with Tony Stark is typically bad ass and kicks a lot of ass. Hopefully I can land one of the cheap cells from the film. Star Wars Keepsake button from Hallmark would be an awesome souvenir for SDCC and I'll will use the force to obtain such an object. Maybe a Zenscope comic they are making special comics for San Diego, dealing with amazing hot comic girls on the cover in a football center hiking position and other poses/covers for comics showcasing some of San Diego's finest features, granted I am not a Chargers fan, yes I'd say the Chargers are one of SD's finest features.
Anyways ladies and gentleman...
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I'll keep you posted