WOW! Not sure where to start, got inside the expo hall at roughly 10:30am and insanity ensued.
I started on the far right of the hall (facing from the entrances) where the numbers were in the 100's. The expo hall starts from 0 and goes to around the 5000's...
I got tons of free Merch, some highlights would be:
Starer Deck and a thumb drive from Magic the Gathering Booth
A sweet looking T-shirt from the Zombie Defense Network Booth ( you had to sign into Gowalla to get the shirt)
A bunch of comics from the DC Booth
A sweet T-shirt from the Vindictus booth (actually landed 2 of them due to the fact I was trying to get tickets to win a spirit hood)
I went to the Namco booth and got a comic for a game coming out, called Enslaved, got Dragon Ball Z trading cards, a T-shirt (Xl way too big anyone want it??!?!) and I got a super, special, select ticket which I was able to return at a later time and exchange that ticket for a sweeeeeeeeet pacman lanyard, I'll post pic later of it.
At the DC Universe booth I had to play the game and I got a DC Universe lanyard too, not bad.
From a random grab bag when I was waiting to play Vindictus I got a pillow case that said, something to lines of , don't worry we'll actually sleep with you... hahaha
Bought items:
I bought the tron lightcycle, $5 figure that is probably the coolest thing you could buy for $5.
I bought the Tokidoki shirt that has all the Marvel characters on them, for $30, most expensive thing I bought at Comic-Con.
Lastly... I bought a Darth Vader backpack for $20. Such a sweet buy, can't go wrong with it. I took it to Disneyland last night and no joke got 13 compliments, so awesome.
Went to the Avengers cartoon panel and it wasn't that bad, I wish they would have made Iron Man a little more douchey like he is supposed to be but it's a cartoon and for kids. The whole reason I stayed in the panel is because of the Adult Swim panel that happened right afterwards. Remember sacrifice your time and go to a less crowded panel before the panel you want to go to because they do not clear out the halls after panels. I then left the Adult Swim panel and got a bathroom pass to go to a Spirit Hood giveaway and then returned to the hall for Q&A session w/ the Aqua Teen Hunger Force guys, Tim and Eric and other Adult Swim guys. I asked Eric about upcoming Major Lazer music video and his response was, "it's gonna be wwwhhhhaaaaacccckkkkk brah" hahaha good times.
It was amazing and I will definitely going back next year!
A real, fully functioning R2 Droid!


One of the Mechs in Iron Man 2!

Mark I

Mark III

Best Costume/Look a like combo